Archive for C&S Technologies

Counting the Cost of Quality: The Benefits

Every Decision has a cost.

This is the third and final part of our series Counting the Cost of Quality. In Part One, we discussed The Cost of Action, those decisions that are made on the basis of acting on information that has been provided. In Part Two, The Cost of Inaction covers the implications of not acting. Part Three will cover the Benefits.

As a company with a bias towards action, we consider the benefits of action far surpass the benefits of not acting. But acting after thoughtful analysis of the decision being considered. We acknowledge that any decision even a decision to act, carries some risk. Decision paralysis can take hold when the fear of making a decision is greater than not acting, part of the reason the cost of inaction can be high. We can consider as many variables as possible but there will never be enough information to completely mitigate risk from a decision.

So to consider the benefits of making a decision to act, let’s use an example of acquiring a Crimp Cross Section Lab to enhance your company’s quality process validation and monitoring capability. You have considered the upfront cost which includes the actual cost of acquisition, employee training and integration of this system into the company infrastructure. Consider the benefits which can apply to this decision:

Internally, individual employees directly involved with the new acquisition will be happy to see the company has provided new tools to help in their day to day work. As a collective, employees feel a higher sense of security that the company is investing in the company’s future.

As a company, new tools that are used can improve the overall quality of output. In the case of quality validation like our example, this provides a measurement tool to track the quality of output. Any tool to measure progress is critical (and may I say essential) to a company’s survival never mind growth.

Externally, existing customers will have a higher chance to keep existing business with your company when they see investment in infrastructure. Investments that can benefit them. And provide new opportunities to grow the business relationship through added contracts as they come up.

Potential customers will be more driven to work with you as they see investment in new infrastructure. In some cases, new processing or validating tools (like Cross Section Analysis as described) are minimum gateways to a business relationship even starting. For others, they will see your company set apart from your competition as internal investment in hard processing systems (capital) and training (human resources) are made. Where the investment is emerging and state of the art, you separate yourself from others who have not advanced as far as your company has.

These are just a few benefits to making the investment to improve quality. I am sure there are other direct and indirect benefits not mentioned.

This series was created to illustrate the opposing sides of a decision, to act on a decision or to stay the course (which in and off itself is a decision). You may not be in a position to be part of the decision making process of the company you are currently employed with. But regardless, you will be affected by any decision (or non decision) made.

In a perfect world all companies will err on the side of action and see the positive aspects of acting to improve the company. But some will stay the course and not act. And may not see any difference in the short term. The same with an action decision, there may not be a positive result in the short term. But the difference will lie in the long term implications. And if I were to consider the long term survival prospects of any company, the bias toward making positive action on decisions would make me more confident in that company’s future. Certainly that is the goal for our company.

WireProcess Specialties has many decades of experience in processing and validating technology for wire processing. We are here to help in making the right decision. Connect Your Way to start the dialog.

Global Technology Partners in Focus: Crimping and Stamping Technologies


There are watershed moments in a company’s history, times when a single decision can change the course of a business. Such is the case with WPS in the early 90’s. When we were looking to enhance our product offering with new product lines and technology, a brochure about crimp monitors arrived in the mail. The decision to inquire about this technology led to the start of a business relationship that exists to today. And which also led to two other significant connections in Schaefer Megomat and Stapla Ultrasonics.

I am pleased to introduce Chris LaRue. Chris is the President of Crimping and Stamping Technologies and one of the hardest working people in the wire processing industry.

WPS: Thank you for taking a few moments to speak to us today Chris. You have spent your career in crimp technology. Tell us a little about your background.

CL: I am a mechanical engineer by degree and started my career at Amp Connectors (Harrisburg PA) in 1984. I was a die engineer in Amp’s high speed stamping facility. I was the first engineer to be hired in the die engineering rotational program. This was a two-year training program with assignments in stamping, injection molding, plating and assembly.

After seven years at Amp, I had an opportunity to join a small start up company supplying stamping monitoring systems.

After a few years, I made the move to form C&S Technologies. 

WPS: Can you provide a rundown of the product offering through C&S.

CL: C&S supplies solutions for validating and process monitoring for wire harness manufacturing.

WPS: Where are your facilities located.

CL: Our facilities are in Pittsburgh PA, Chihuahua Mexico, Juarez Mexico and Queretaro Mexico. Internationally we partner with True Soltec in Tokyo Japan. Also CTEC in Munich Germany. 

WPS: Automotive assembly has driven advances in crimp quality technology. Although there are several advances in monitoring and validating the crimping process, can you highlight a few significant technology advances

CL: Crimp Cross Sectioning has been a crimp development tool for several years. But it has been limited to a lab environment. Now because of cost reduction, simplicity and speed these systems have found their way to the production floor as an additional set up validation and process monitoring tool.


With our pioneering efforts in the early 90’s, Crimp Force Monitors have become a core technology which is now widely used in wire processing. Required by Automotive and White Goods manufacturers.

Advances in electronics, software and wireless technology have made networking of production equipment in-expensive. And very powerful. Now you can retrieve real time data from any process, including crimping machines, ultrasonic welders, rotary assembly boards. To monitor and report machine up and down time, defects, production quantity to name few.

WPS: Do you see other industries following the Automotive lead and adopting new crimp quality technology

CL: White Goods is one industry that has seen significant improvement in the quality of their wiring systems due to them embracing new processing, harness designs and monitoring systems.

WPS: What do you see as an emerging technology in crimp technology.

CL: Crimp Cameras are now being mounted on automatic processing machines. What was not feasible ten years ago is now possible with the advanced electronics, software and camera technology. In the case of wire processing, high speed machines require ultra fast feedback to address defects such as high insulation, brush errors and deformed insulation crimp wings. We are on the cutting edge of this camera technology.


Thank you for your time today Chris. WPS values the association we have built up over the past two decades and anticipate helping our customers adopt new and emerging technology in wire. Thank you for your support.



Counting The Cost of Quality: The Cost of Action 

Every decision has a cost.

Large or small there is a cost to every decision. Of course there is a sliding scale of the size of a decision and it’s relationship to the overall implications to the organization. Some costs are economic and some are not.  Deciding on a bathroom cleaner or brand of pencil to stock have fewer implications than a capital purchase or facility relocation.

This the first of three articles focused focused on quality and considerations when making improvements to an existing system or completely starting from scratch. Also the costs associated with these actions that have far reaching implications to product quality within a manufacturing environment. In this post we are focusing on the cost of action.

Here are a few point for consideration.

Management acts on quality improvement but there is usually a trigger. Triggers that cause management to act are either external or strategic. External triggers often come from customers who require improvement in quality either due to a complaint or issue. They are also driven by the customer’s desire to focus on a specific industry sector that demands higher quality standards. Strategic triggers are based on the company moving into a new industry sector which (like the customer) demands an enhanced quality or documentation of quality. Regardless of the trigger it all boils down to one thing: economics. Losing a key account or losing out on a new opportunity to grow the business in a new direction can greatly affect revenue which can affect the business partly in the short term but mainly in the long term.

Management not only needs to be fully committed to a new quality system, they need to be the champions of it. Often it is management that has a neutral or “wait and see” attitude. This can be damaging to the success of implementing a new quality system. Or the efforts to make permanent the change in culture. Employees are watching. When management waivers, employees often follow.

We will expand on the potential negative affects in part two: The Cost of Inaction.

Commitment includes attention to the following areas:

Employees need to be fully supported. In the form of solid two communication between management and employees. They need to understand the reasons behind the change or initiative. When communication breaks down so does the trust.

Employees also need appropriate training. The company needs to provide the funding for training (and re-training) for all workers directly (and indirectly) involved in quality.

Resources are critical to the success. These include measurement and in process monitoring tools for validating and monitoring production. Also access to applicable quality standards for your industry. These tools provide data necessary to feed back to management on the current state of the quality system.  And levels of improvement over time. One important point. Providing new measurement tools is an important first step but often they uncover the current state of the quality system. They do not improve it. Training in conjunction with the above tools can provide the information needed to make the changes needed to drive quality improvements. But looping back to management’s commitment, they need to drive the changes needed (and the speed of change) and support the organization as a whole.

Capital Costs are important over the life of a quality improvement initiative.  As information starts flowing on the current capability of the production system, it may become evident that production equipment over the long term is not capable of repeatable results of a higher quality level. Replacement production equipment or major upgrades to existing equipment will be necessary.

In summary, making a decision to improve quality comes at a cost. In the attitude of management and employees, a commitment to invest in the resources and the capital needed to make an improvement in product quality. There is also a cost of inaction which we will cover in part two. And the benefits? Part three will uncover the reasons why sticking it out to the end will be critical to the company’s survival in rapidly changing business conditions.

Crimp Force Monitors Do Not Solve Your Crimping Problems

There I said it. Let me repeat:

Crimp Force Monitors Do Not Solve your Quality Problems.

Now that it’s out there let’s back up a little. First of all, let me be crystal clear. Crimp Force Monitors (CFM) are an essential tool of a quality system for any company that is serious about providing quality wire assemblies. The ability to monitor your process with a crimp monitor is extremely valuable for a number of reasons which we will unpack in this article. But let’s put things into their proper perspective.

First of all, a crimp process that has excess variation exists that way with or without a CFM. A CFM does not resolve crimp problems but will provide plenty of notification to the operator of this condition. In the form of CFM alarms. It is what is done from this point that is critical.  If the tolerance is opened up to silence the alarms or (worse) the monitor is turned off, then the true value of the CFM is lost.

Second, a CFM works best with a process that is in control and shows little piece to piece variation. This provides sufficient room for detecting small defects in the crimp process. Excess variation adds “noise” to the detection process and a CFM will have a harder time in determining a defect or just normal process variation.

The video below is from the 2016 Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo and the seminar co-sponsored by C&S Technologies and Applitek Technologies: Do You Really Know Your Crimp Process where we discuss the CFM Cycle, a scenario played out countless times as new CFM Technology is introduced.

So what value is a CFM in the crimping process?

First, real time monitoring is 100% effective in measuring the crimp process. Visual inspection is only 80% effective over time and 100% manual inspection is not practical. It also answers the question: “what is happening between the first off article inspection and spot in process inspection”.

Second, as a process analysis tool, a CFM is effective in improving the crimp process over time. This is done by analyzing the five elements of a terminal crimp. And improving each process. The direct effect is a process in greater control and able to detect smaller variation.

Finally, as part of an integrated network of processing machines, the CFM can feed valuable production quality data into a central database for archival and analysis. Also provide a level of production quality approval by preventing access to production equipment until quality measurements are within allowable parameters.

So the question is “Do you need a CFM equipped facility?” Consider the following and judge for yourself.

  • Pull test and crimp height measurements are a static and one-time check of quality parameters. As important as they are to production quality, they are not sufficient in of themselves. A CFM is one example of dynamic quality measurement in real time. Press Analysis is another example of dynamic measurement.
  • CFM’s remove subjective judgement of good or bad crimps from employees.
  • CFM’s monitor the whole crimp process and the associated elements.
  • Without crimp monitors, the risk of defective wire harnesses increases and the cost of rework (not to mention product liability) will exceed the initial investment of crimp monitor technology by a large margin. “It hasn’t happened to us so far” you may say. “We have crimped millions of parts over the years with no problem” is another one. The laws of probability will eventually catch up without effective dynamic crimp monitoring. Why take the risk?

Do not take the risk! Our Global Technology Partner: Crimping and Stamping Technologies is a global authority in the terminal crimp process. Connect Your Way to WPS for an analysis of your crimp quality requirements.

Static vs Dynamic Measurement of Crimp Elements

Quality measurement has been an essential part of process validation and control for manufacturing for centuries. Engineering a product design with critical dimensions needs to be validated by quality measurements during the production cycle.

In the early 20th century, statistical analysis of quality was introduced into the quality process of validating manufactured goods and adopted in a number of industries. Automobile production embraced statistical analysis as a result of W Edwards Deming’s influence as the founding president of the American Society for Quality Control.

Today in many industries, a mix of static (one time) and dynamic measurements are used to validate process measurement. In the Wire Process Industry there are a number of measurement tools used which include pull testers, crimp height micrometers and dynamic validation tools such as crimp force monitors. In Wire Processing, dynamic measurement tools are being adopted, aided by the inclusion of them in new processing equipment. But in some respects, a general awareness of the critical nature of dynamic always on quality measurement tools is lacking.

For example, crimp height measurement. Some companies still use the crimp height as a static first off quality measurement and then not measure another part through the balance of the production run.

Or Press Calibration. Calibrating a crimp press with a shut height gauge to the proper shut height without measuring shut height or press force repeat-ability.

These are mistakes. A single part only assures you that that part (or process) is within production tolerances. And does not take into account variation from all input elements in a crimp process.

Dynamic measurement tools provide a piece by piece indication of process capability and detection of crimp errors. Dynamic capability studies of press shut height and crimp force provide valuable information on a press’ ability to supply repeatable crimp force.

PAL_600 rev

Press Analyzer

Here is a clip from our seminar at the 2016 Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo. This clip illustrates the value of dynamic press analysis.

Static measurements such as crimp height and pull test are not obsolete in today’s production environment. In fact they are valuable first off process validation tools but need to be supported by dynamic measurement from crimp force monitors and crimp camera systems.


MX Series Crimp Force Monitor

So what are the implications of not dynamically measuring crimp elements in real time?

  • Rework cost from defective product
  • Related costs and penalties from customers
  • Lower customer confidence
  • Maintenance and Quality resources not deployed on priority issues because objective information is not available.

Flip these around and you can see the benefit to your organization. So you say these problems have not occurred to our company? Perhaps not in the past but there is always a real risk of these problems coming up in the future.  And without objective analysis, you just don’t know.

Act now. Let us provide you with the tools and services you need to get a start on measuring and improving your crimp quality. Connect Your Way to WireProcess.

Terminal Cross Sectioning: Taking a Peak Inside

Terminal Cross Sectioning is a quality validation technique that is not new to Wire Processing. The use of cross sectioning has broadened over the past few years and cross section systems are now appearing outside of the quality lab and on the factory floor. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Cross section labs are expected to be as commonplace as a pull tester in most processing facilities.

In the past, quality tests of a terminal crimp were performed by only a pull tester and being a destructive test, it was a first off and spot in process inspection.  But it certainly did not take into account the inherent process variation of the crimp process itself. Later on as electrical performance demands increased, it was necessary to improve the quality inspection processes. At the same time, crimp design advanced and no longer was just pull test sufficient. Enter crimp compression.  Crimp compression standards were a result of studies into crimping and it was determined that a predictable percentage of crimp compression was needed to assure optimal electrical performance. Crimp Height is based on optimum compression of the wire during the crimp process.

With Cross Section analysis, we can now peak inside the crimp. This cross section analysis provides us with a great amount of detail into not only the materials (wire and terminals), but how they are crimped together.  Information that is used for documentation and archival purposes.  An important aspect of cross section analysis is process improvement. Some of the measurements available from cross sectioning a crimp include:

  • Crimp Height
  • Crimp Width
  • Crimp Compression
  • Crimp Height to Crimp Width ratio
  • Capability Studies including crimp height.

Process Improvement is a necessary component of any company who wishes to reduce their processing costs (material waste and processing time) as well as improving overall productivity. Cross Section analysis can be a valuable tool in process improvement. For example, crimp monitor alarms. Crimp monitors signal an alarm when an element of crimp quality causes excess variation.  Often the suspect parts appear normal and acceptable. Production continues. Later on another alarm occurs.  Same condition.  Parameters are opened up and production continues without alarms. But the underlying problem still exists. Once this cycle starts, the monitoring system becomes less sensitive and at some point only gross errors can be detected.  And the risk of accepting defective parts also increases.

Cross Sectioning a crimp offers one way of detecting an issue that could be quickly assessed and a resolution put in place. See the illustrations below.

cross section (110)

Crimp wings touching crimp floor.

cross section (130)

Uncompressed strands and uneven strand distribution.

These are two examples of conditions which can cause variation which a crimp monitor interprets as a defect. Which can affect electrical performance.

Embracing Cross Section Analysis as a critical validation tool is important for companies in the future. Costs have come down to the point where most companies can justify a base system for plant deployment. The WPS Cross Section Service is another way to get your analysis completed while working out the deployment of system for internal use.

Connect Your Way to WPS.

Terminal Crimping Technology

Crimping terminals is a common wire assembly process dating back several decades.  Over the years processing methods and procedures were established and improved to assure optimum crimp quality and electrical conductivity of the wire to terminal connection.  This article will cover the common crimp types, crimp methods used to provide a quality wire to terminal connection and migration path from manual processing to automation of the crimp process.

Crimp Types

Closed Barrel: Closed barrel terminals have a round crimp barrel that surrounds the wire being crimped.  There are two typical open barrel configurations, formed by progressive stamping process with a seam where the two sides come together and form a circle and solid machines connector where the crimp barrel is seamless, normally produced on a screw machine. Closed barrel terminals come insulated or non-insulated and are in loose form or on a reel. Examples of closed barrel terminals include rings, quick connects, ferrules and solid pins used in aerospace applications.

Open Barrel: Open barrel terminals are generally U shaped prior to crimping and are crimped around the terminal in a B shape or overlapped.  Open barrel terminals are generally available mounted on a reel but in some cases are available in loose form for lower volume processing. In addition to a barrel for the wire, some open barrel terminals include an insulation support for applications for additional strain relief (from vibration or wire movement).  Open barrel terminals normally are un-insulated but in some cases have a partially loaded insulator pod which is inserted over the terminal during the crimp process.


An example of this terminal type is the ETCO pre-insulated terminal series.


Crimping Methods

Wezag Crimp Tool 1Hand Tools: A hand tool is used in low volume or prototype crimp applications. Tooling in a hand tool can be fixed and non-removable from the hand tool frame or can be removable. Crimp dies are available for open barrel and closed barrel terminals  A reliable method of crimping wire to terminals with good repeatability.  As volumes increase, repeated processing of terminals with hand tools can cause strain on an operator.

Bench Top Crimping: Crimping terminals with bench top crimping equipment provides moderate volume processing of loose piece and reel mounted terminals.

Wezag CS 200With loose piece terminals, the terminal and wire are hand loaded to a crimp nest and the operator cycles the press using a foot pedal or palm button.


Wezag CS200                                                          Carpenter Accu-Crimp 62

applicators2Reel mounted terminals are processed using a crimp press and applicator.  The applicator has a mechanical or pneumatic feed which positions the terminal on the crimp anvil.  The operator presses a foot pedal and the crimp press cycles, forming the terminal over the wire and advancing the next terminal for further processing.  A wide range of applications can be processed with bench top crimping equipment by the utilization of different press tonnages and applicators/die sets (fixed and quick change).

Automated Crimp Processing: Automated processing adds a wire cut and strip element to the crimp process.  The most basic form is the stripper-crimper which adds a wire stripping unit to a bench crimp press to strip the end of the wire and presenting the wire to the crimp nest for crimping.

Automated crimp centers process the wire from its source in a barrel or reel, cut and strip the wire to length and present it to a crimp press for crimping.  Reel fed applicators are the same as the bench top type.  In the case of loose piece terminals, a vibratory bowl is used to orient the terminals and present to the crimp press for crimp processing.

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An example of an automated processing crimp center is the Megomat Primo XLT .

Manual to Automated Crimp, a Migration Path

As volumes increase, the need to automated also increases.  On occasion, the increase is dramatic, requiring a greater step through the automation migration path.  But normally the increase is controlled and slower so migration can take a multi step approach over time.

Hand Tool to Bench Top Migration: Migrating from a hand tool to power assisted bench top crimping requires a bench top crimping platform like the Accu-Crimp 62 or electric powered CS200 from Wezag Tools (both pictured above).

Wezag UP60

Heavy Duty Applications use higher tonnage to provide the power needed toprocess large terminals.  The Wezag UP60 is pneumatic powered and provides over 7 tons of crimp force.

Non-Fixed hand tool die sets may be removed and compatible with bench top crimping units.  This reduces the overall cost of the migration from hand tools to powered bench top equipment.

Bench Top to Automated Process Migration: Migrating from a bench top to automated processing machine like the Primo XLT or Uno multi-station machines is simple and straightforward.  Mini style applicators used in a bench press application as pictured above can be mounted directly from a bench top press to the press on the automation system.  Some applications require a different feed cam to feed the terminal on the press downstroke to allow for the robotic arm to swing into position with no interference from the terminal.

However, in the case of loose piece terminals, separate presses with integrated vibratory bowl fed systems may be required as they are not a standard set up on an automated machine.

Loose Piece to Reel Mounted terminal Migration: Converting from loose piece processing to reel fed terminals requires a crimp press and applicator as described above.  The first step is determining the compatible terminal on reel equivalent. If a quick change mini applicator can be used, then the crimp press can be quickly changed from one terminal type to another simply by switching out the terminal applicator.

Crimp Process Validation and Control

Assuring an adequate quality and repeatable crimp and crimp process is common among all crimping methods. Non Destructive and Destructive crimp testing is used as pre-process and in-process validation methods.  For more information on crimp quality process and validation, please refer to our three part series which can be found on our News Channel: Part One (crimp validation), Part Two (In Process Crimp Monitoring) and Part Three (Machine Process Capability and Calibration).

Wire Process Specialties has over 30 years of experience in processing of wire and cable including crimp technology.  Connect Your Way to WPS.  Our vision is to help our customers reduce processing costs and increase production efficiency.

Crimp Quality Process Validation and Monitoring Part Three

This is the final installment of Crimp Quality Process Validation and Monitoring.  In part one, we discussed pre-process validation. In part two we outlined real time monitoring process during production.  In this segment, we will discuss the calibration and machine capability of crimping presses as an integral part of an overall quality strategy.

Process Capability
Process Capability is the total variation in a production process and the ability for that process to be reproduce-able over time and within stated production specifications.  Measurements during the production process are taken then grouped together to form a histogram (bell curve). The distribution of measurement results provide an indication of present conformance of the item being produced.  Process Capability is a valuable tool for making changes to improve the production process. The capability of a production process is based on multiple factors which are common among almost all production processes The major factors are People, Machine, Methods and Materials. Each factor has its own process variation and contributes to the overall process capability.

In crimping a wire to a terminal, these factors above come into play and can be controlled at the plant level in different degrees.  For example:

Considering “People” as a factor, the manual locating of a terminal in a bench top crimp press is one level of variation. Training operators improves the process and is eliminated when an automatic processing machine is deployed.  Methods can range widely but could include maintenance schedules, operator and set up personnel training, set up and operating procedures.  Effects the Machine has on the process can include the machine age (wear and tear), maintenance and overall accuracy and repeatability of the machine itself.  Machines can include the crimp press, terminal applicator and in the case of an automated machine the robotic assembly to deliver a stripped wire to the crimp press.  The factor which the producer has less control is materials which include wire, terminals and weather seals.  In the case of materials, specifications are generally established by the material manufacturer within their own production process.

Crimp Press Capability

The machine component which can cause excessive variation in the process and which is the last area companies look to for process improvement is the crimp press itself.  Even with stable materials, methods, people and crimp applicators additional process variation can occur with the crimp press.  Presses have a long production life cycle and in that time bearing, crankshafts and ram assemblies can get worn. Which will show up as piece by piece variation.

The illustration at the left shows a chart of a crimp press which was calibrated and the press was cycled to determine peak crimp force per piece.  The top chart shows the shut height measurement and the bottom chart shows reference force.  Excessive variation can be found in the force chart on a piece by piece basis.  The shut height measurement was in control where the force was not in control.

The illustration at left was the same press after maintenance was performed to tighten up the press ram assembly.  The force measurements were brought into statistical control.  The shut height measurement also improved statistically. The result of this improvement will be a process that is in better statistical control and a product which will perform consistently better piece by piece.

The tool used is the C&S PAL3001 which can calibrate a press to the industry standard shut height and take force measurement readings to determine machine capability.




Wire Process Specialties can supply your crimp validation equipment and in-process measurement and data collection for ongoing process improvement.  Connect You Way to WPS find out more.

Crimp Quality Process Validating and Monitoring: Part Two

In part one of this series, we covered the critical steps used to validate a wire to terminal crimp prior to initiating production on a wire lead or harness. In part two we will uncover some of the processes companies currently deploy to monitor the crimping process during production.

Although companies still perform an in production spot check of crimp quality using validation methods (crimp height, pull test), these methods show compliance to crimp specifications on a single piece at a time during production and do not demonstrate full statistical capability of the process.  Visual inspection is another method.  But as we have seen with the cross sections illustrated in part one, significant variation could be occurring inside the crimp that is invisible to the inspector.  It has been shown that 100% visual (human)  inspection is only 80% effective over time.  Given 20 out of 100 parts may not be properly inspected, there is a potential for parts to be supplied that are not to specification.

In process monitoring methods are now used to ensure each wire termination meets crimp force specifications. Crimp force monitoring is the common in process method used which we will outline. New methods are emerging in the future, one which we will briefly cover.

Crimp Force Monitoring

Crimp Force Monitors (also known as Crimp Quality Monitors, CFM or CQM) measure crimp force of each terminations in real time.  CFMs take force readings from the start to the end of the crimp cycle using a force sensor which is mounted in the base plate under the applicator, the ram adaptor above the applicator or on the press frame.  The readings are received by the crimp monitor base unit which compiles and creates a crimp curve.  The crimp curve is compared with a reference crimp curve, created by a teach in process at the beginning of production.  Crimp errors such as high and low insulation, wrong wire size and cut strands are typical defects detected.  Not so typical defects include strands partially encapsulated and laminated to the top of the crimp. When a defect is detected, a signal can be sent to the processing machine to stop or initiate a reject cut off sequence if installed.

You will find below an example of a normal curve from data points compiled from a single crimp.  Also two more crimp curves showing common crimp defects.

 The illustration above shows a normal crimp curve with no variation from the teach in reference sample. In the case of the C&S MX series crimp monitors, the crimp curve is split into three vertical sections which have tolerances applied on each side of the reference (teach in) curve.  Each zone has a separate tolerance band which is progressively tighter as the press reaches bottom dead center and crimp force is at its peak. The chart below the curve is a point by point visual of the variation above or below the reference point from the teach in.  In the case of the normal curve, very little variation is shown.

The illustration above shows the effect of strands cut and missing from the crimp. The measured result (in yellow) shows lower results and an error condition starting in the second and continuing through the third zones.  The point by point variation also shows this condition.

In the illustration above, the insulation was embedded in the conductor crimp which is also known as “high insulation”.  As the conductor crimp wings make contact with the insulation and see excess resistance, the forces spike quickly but then drop off as quickly in the first zone.  Then the crimp force does not reach the required peak through the third zone and an under load error occurs.

The crimp force monitoring process is now a standard in most wire and cable harness facilities and is mandated as a minimum quality measurement tool  for automotive harnesses. The C&S MX series crimp monitors operate as a standalone solution for a bench press or installed onto multi station automated wire processing machines.  Connected with the BBMX client server network, the MX series provides a cross platform data logging and monitoring system for plant wide quality assurance.

New Crimp Monitoring Technologies

Crimp force has been the standard in process method of measuring crimp quality for over 15 years.  In the coming years, vision systems will be an additional tool for monitoring crimp quality.  The video below shows the C&S CVM-2 vision system with two cameras and monitors in simulation of a crimped wire passing through and being measured at high speed by the cameras.

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 Wire Process Specialties partners with C&S Technologies, a global leader in the supply of crimp process validation and monitoring systems.  We can supply simple inspection tools or create a complete integrated system for plant wide control of the crimping process.  Connect Your Way to Wire Process Specialties to get a personalized assessment of your requirements.

Part 3 of this series outlining crimp press calibration coming soon.








Crimp Quality Process Validation and Monitoring: Part One

Validating and monitoring the process of crimpimg a wire to a terminal is a very critical in today’s wire harness production environment. So critical that some industries have mandated the use of advanced validating and monitoring crimp technology to reduce exposure (and liability) to financial loss if a defective harness is introduced into a a product. in this three part series, we will explore some of the techniques and technology being used in wire harness facilities worldwide. In part one, we will cover pre-production crimp validation.

Crimp Height

Crimp Height is an initial pre-production test to determine if the crimp compression meets the manufacturer’s specifications.  Crimp Height micrometers are used as they have a point on the spindle which rests on the underside of the crimp.  The anvil side has a flat surface which rests on the upper side of the crimp.  Using standard micrometers or verniers can provide false reading as they may pick up the points of the bottom anvil mark and not the center bottom of the crimp.  Using digital micrometers allow the crimp height reading to be downloaded to data collection/analysis software.




Pull Testing

Pull Testing is a destructive test to determine if the wire is properly secured into the wire crimp of the terminal.  Pull test procedures require the insulation support to be peeled back so the pull test reading is based on the wire to terminal crimp only.  A motorized pull tester pulls the wire from the terminal at a steady rate which improves the accuracy and consistency of the crimp.  And a digital output provides the ability to collect and analyze the pull test data.

The model PT100 shown is used as a standalone pull tester, interfaced with a computer for data collection/analysis/capability studies or fully integrated into a plant wide validation and real time crimp monitoring system.


Crimp Cross Section

Once you have established your crimp height and pull test, do you assume everything you see outside is the same inside the crimp?  Manufacturers of terminals work hard to ensure the wire to crimp size match properly and there is a science to establishing the proper shape and size of the crimp to fit a specified wire range.  But outside of the manufacturer’s work to determine the proper crimp size to wire, other factors come into play which can affect the crimp:


  • wire OD which can vary within a specified wire range.
  • tool wear.
  • wrong tooling used or wire size used which does not meet the terminal specifications.

The effect of these changes can cause the wire to be unevenly distributed inside the crimp.  Something which cannot be determined without doing a cross sectional analysis.  Here is an example:

In this case, the wire crimp looks normal but the wire distribution is not even.

Did you know, this effect is one factor which can cause false readings on in-process monitoring of crimping using crimp force monitoring tools? False readings can be rejecting good parts or accepting bad parts.  The right wire gauge for the terminal, consistent wire distribution within a crimp and the proper crimp forming tools can provide consistent crimp quality.


Crimp cross sections are created by cutting the wire from the terminal, grinding/polishing the terminal down to the approximate mid point of the wire crimp and using etching chemicals to prepare the end of the wire.  The crimp is loaded to a microscope and a digial image is produced.  Further analysis include a calculation of the crimp area. A cross section is a pre-production analysis tool used in some critical applications but can be costly on a regular basis.  Having the documentation on a crimp cross section on the introduction of a new wire termination is a good practice (mandated in some industries) as it provides an understanding of what to expect from the crimp monitoring process. Wire Process Specialties can assist in the equipment required for processing cross sections in house or through our Cross Sectioning Service.

Data Collection

Data Collection is a critical part of pre-production and production to ensure your crimp process is meeting your specifications.  Data is used for validation prior to production, capability analysis and to document crimping results for review by your quality and production personnel, customers and external quality auditors to verify compliance with national and international standards.  Data collection can be as simple as using the tools above to manually or automatically recording results, within a local inspection station where all tools are combined to provide a bigger picture of the crimp quality.  For larger operations, client/server systems provide crimp specifications to the inspector, measurements are made and validated before production can commence.  Then in process measurements are taken and stored electronically across all processing machines plant wide.   In part two, I will outline typical tools for in process quality monitoring of wire to terminal crimping.

Wire Process Specialties partners with C&S Technologies, a global leader in the supply of crimp process validation and monitoring systems.  We can supply simple inspection tools or create a complete integrated system for plant wide control of the crimping process.  Connect Your Way to Wire Process Specialties to get a personalized assessment of your requirements.